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Large Component Machining Specialist - Christof Group

ACE Metalna

Christof Group’s machining specialist ACE METALNA is the preferred partner for machining large components for the steel and machine-building industries and pressure vessel manufacturers.

Key Highlights

Pressure Vessel Machining - Christof Group
Precision machining the big stuff
ACE METALNA is Christof Group’s machining specialist for maximum dimensions.

Proven quality and high-tech CNC machinery guarantee maximum precision for special customized solutions and for workpieces with maximum dimensions – i.e. workpieces with 7-meter turning diameters, 4-meter heights during turning, 18-meter lengths during milling, and widths of 5.5 meters. ACE METALNA handles and processes components weighing up to 100 tons.

Unmatched technical expertise, precision workmanship, the ISO 9001 quality assurance and thorough checks prior to delivery satisfy customers and many equipment manufacturers.


Total equipment delivered:
Total countries supplied:
Longest/Heaviest equipment constructed:
25m / 100 tons
Shortest delivery time:
1 day
Size of production area
71,850 m²
Annual production hours:
50,000 h
More Christof Group Solutions
Naložba v novo tehnološko opremo
Cilj projekta je izboljšanje kakovosti in produktivnosti mehanske obdelave kovin, povečati konkurenčnost na trgu, zmanjšanje vplivov na okolje, prehod na krožno poslovanje ter snovno in energetsko učinkovito poslovanje.
Več informacij


Zagrebška cesta 20, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
+386 245015 10
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